Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Biggest Celebrity Turkeys of 2012

It had been quite a while since Hulk Hogan and his family was in the news, and we weren’t complaining. But the wrestler-turned-reality star came back in a major way in early October … when a 90-second clip from his sex tape was released! If the grainy footage, canopy bed, and Hulk answering the phone half-way through the video (his ringtone was daughter Brooke’s song “About Us”) wasn’t bad enough, his partner was none other than the now-ex-wife, Heather Clem, of his best friend, Florida radio deejay Bubba the Love Sponge. Although the former couple denied leaking the tape to, Bubba later came clean, sort of, after Hulk threatened to sue him. "It is my belief that Hulk is not involved, and has not ever been involved, in trying to release the video, or exploit it, or otherwise gain from the video’s release in any way,” Bubba said in an October 29 statement, adding that he was “committed to helping Hulk and his attorneys find whoever is responsible for the release of the tape.” So far, they’ve come up with no one
As you read this, Lindsay Lohan has probably already done something turkey-worthy! We’ll try to sum her year up as best as possible. Since the beginning of 2012, the actress has been accused of striking a man with her car in NYC (she was arrested in the September incident, but not charged), getting into two separate fights several days apart at The Standard Hotel in West Hollywood, and crashing her car into a big rig. She also was investigated by police in a $100K jewelry theft at her friend’s home, claimed she was attacked by a man she brought back to her NYC hotel room (cops later said there was no evidence of that), and most recently, is in jeopardy of having her probation revoked, accused of lying to police about that June crash. And that’s just the major stuff! She also showed up late to film a guest spot on “Glee” and did not know her lines, fell into such a deep sleep on the set of “Liz & Dick” that paramedics had to be called to the scene, claimed people were overreacting about Hurricane Sandy before it struck, and canceled her interview with Barbara Walters at the last minute. We can only imagine what 2013 has in store for Lindsay!
 Michael Jackson’s father Joe has never been known to be the nicest guy. In fact, the King of Pop often alleged he suffered abuse at the hands of his stage dad. One would think Joe had mellowed in his old age, but at the Black Music Awards in Las Vegas on October 17, he stepped onstage to be honored … and then pulled back his suit jacket to reveal a gun in his waistband. “I carry a piece everywhere I go,” the 84-year-old proudly told the crowd. It’s unclear if Joe is legally allowed to have the firearm because he refused to answer the question. But Joe is most certainly not the only turkey in his family. In July, a few of his famous children, including Janet, Jermaine, and Randy, were accused of hatching a plan to theoretically “kidnap” their mother Katherine and keep her from Michael’s three young kids, all in the hopes of getting their hands on the kids’ inheritance – which Janet & Co. have all denied
Whenever we wonder why Lindsay is the way she is, we remember that her father is Michael Lohan. In April, MiLo’s fiancée Kate Major called police after he was accused of violating the restraining order she had against him. Despite the mandate to stay away from Major, somehow she got pregnant by Michael, which was revealed three months later in July … because the world needs more Michael Lohan offspring. After his ex-wife Dina’s wacky, slurring interview with Dr. Phil in September, Michael couldn’t wait to sound off that she was drunk at the time. Weeks later, Michael was back to meddling with Dina when he secretly recorded a phone call from his daughter, during which she accused her mother of being high on cocaine, and then leaked it to the press – an action which led Lindsay to say she was done with her dad. But that didn’t stop Michael. On October 19, he claimed Lindsay was off the wagon and attempted to stage an intervention in Beverly Hills, but the “Liz & Dick” actress called police who shooed him away (days later, he tried to get a conservatorship of Lindsay, but failed at that, too). Finally, on November 15, it was revealed that Michael had fathered a daughter when he cheated on Dina in the mid-‘90s. And in typical Michael fashion, he did it all on TV in a Maury Povich-style paternity test on “The Tricia Goddard Show.”
This year, Chris Brown managed to make people dislike him a little more. Why? At the beginning of 2012, it was becoming quite evident that something was going on again between him and Rihanna, even though he had a girlfriend. All the attention stirred up bad memories of the 2009 abuse, prompting WWE star CM Punk to challenge the singer in February to a battle in the ring. Chris’ response? He accused the wrestler of using steroids in a series of tweets he eventually deleted. A day later, Chris was accused of snatching a cell phone out of a female fan’s hand and drove off after she took his pic in Miami. In May, after model Chrissy Teigen tweeted a joke about Brown lip-synching during his Billboard Music Awards performance, his fans verbally attacked her. Some even told her to kill herself! Chris eventually called Team Breezy off, but only so Teigen (John Legend’s fiancée) would stop making herself out to be a victim. In June, Brown was injured during a NYC bar brawl with Drake, reportedly over Rihanna. Three months later, he failed a random drug test, but got off because he has a medicinal marijuana card in California. After a year of reportedly hooking up with Rihanna behind his gal pal’s back, Brown released a video in October where he claimed he loved both Karrueche Tran and RiRi and didn’t understand why he couldn’t be with both of them. Brown even ticked off some people on Halloween when he dressed up as a Taliban fighter. If only we could ship him off to the Middle East
Nearly four years after she shocked the world by giving birth to octuplets, Nadya Suleman did a good job of keeping her name in the news in 2012 for everything from filing for bankruptcy to making porn to heading to rehab. It all began in April when the single mother of 14’s hairdresser went to police, claiming to have witnessed the youngest eight being locked outside in their diapers and forced to use the bathroom on portable training potties in the backyard because the family’s toilets were broken inside. A few days later, she filed for bankruptcy with debts totaling up to $1 million as she also faced eviction for failing to pay her mortgage for over a year. But Octomom was able to pull herself out of debt – by making a solo porn video, which she then promoted by stripping at a nightclub in Florida. Although she managed to find her family of 15 a brand new home in October, shortly thereafter Octomom checked into rehab for a dependency to Xanax just before Halloween.
Arnold Schwarzenegger was one of 2011’s top turkeys, thanks to the admission that he had fathered a son with his family’s longtime housekeeper. But just when the dust had settled, the “Terminator” star drudged it all back up again in late September when he released his Total Recall memoir, which depicted his rise to fame … and the affair which ripped apart his family. But in an interview Schwarzenegger did with “60 Minutes” to promote the book, he showed very, very little remorse for his actions. After Lesley Stahl remarked that the affair must have been the ultimate betrayal to his wife Maria Shriver, the former governor just kind of shrugged and replied, “I think it was the stupidest thing I've done in the whole relationship.” We’d say that’s a bit of an understatement, Arnold
Can we fire Donald Trump? After his longtime nemesis Rosie O’Donnell’s prime-time talk show was canned in March, he took zero pity on the woman he once called a “pig.” "Rosie O'Donnell has failed again,” blasted Trump. “Her ratings were abysmal and Oprah cancelled her …” He was back to his misogynistic ways in early April when he disqualified a transgender model from competing in his Miss Universe pageant. When the contestant’s attorney Gloria Allred said in a press conference that her client didn’t make Trump prove his gender, the “Apprentice” boss fired back with this classy retort: “I think Gloria would be very very impressed with [my penis]." In October, Trump turned his sights on Barack Obama, whom he has long-accused of not really being American. Less than two weeks before the election, he challenged the president to release his college transcripts, which would contain his passport information, in exchange for Trump donating $5 million to the charity of Obama’s choice. Trump swore that this “bombshell” was going to change the election and Mitt Romney would win … but we all know how well that worked out
This year, Chris Brown managed to make people dislike him a little more. Why? At the beginning of 2012, it was becoming quite evident that something was going on again between him and Rihanna, even though he had a girlfriend. All the attention stirred up bad memories of the 2009 abuse, prompting WWE star CM Punk to challenge the singer in February to a battle in the ring. Chris’ response? He accused the wrestler of using steroids in a series of tweets he eventually deleted. A day later, Chris was accused of snatching a cell phone out of a female fan’s hand and drove off after she took his pic in Miami. In May, after model Chrissy Teigen tweeted a joke about Brown lip-synching during his Billboard Music Awards performance, his fans verbally attacked her. Some even told her to kill herself! Chris eventually called Team Breezy off, but only so Teigen (John Legend’s fiancée) would stop making herself out to be a victim. In June, Brown was injured during a NYC bar brawl with Drake, reportedly over Rihanna. Three months later, he failed a random drug test, but got off because he has a medicinal marijuana card in California. After a year of reportedly hooking up with Rihanna behind his gal pal’s back, Brown released a video in October

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