Thursday, February 7, 2013

Manson collapses, is carried offstage

Marilyn Manson, who’s well-known for treating his audience to theatrics during live shows, gave a Canadian crowd an unintentional shock on Wednesday when he collapsed on stage mid-song.

The 44-year-old rocker was in the middle of his 1996 hit “The Beautiful People” during his Saskatoon date, when he suddenly slumped to the ground.

His band continued playing, and the audience kept grooving for quite a while—most likely assuming it was part of his act--before realizing that something was seriously wrong.

As soon as it became apparent that Manson was not playing around, stagehands ran out to help him off stage. There is no official statement yet on what caused his collapse, although TMZ reports that it's nothing serious--he had merely come down with a nasty case of the flu, and had been feeling under the weather all day prior to the show.

He still reportedly feels "drained," but is doing okay and wants to keep his next tour date on Friday.

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