Pichani ni mabasi mawili ya Simba Mtoto na Dar Express yakiwa wamegongana uso kwa uso maeneo ya Muheza Mkoani Tanga mchana huu.haijafahamika ni abiria wangapi wamedhulika kwenye ajali hii.Chanzo cha ajali pia bado hakijafahamika na Globu ya Jamii inaendelea na juhudi za kumpata Kamanda wa Polisi Mkoa wa Tanga kwa taarifa zaidi.hivyo tuendelee kuvuta subira.
Poleni kwa ajali. Tunazeni kampeni ya kuwataja na inapowezekana kutoa picha za madereva wabaya. Lazima kuna utovu wa nidhamu wa barabarani...ubabe fulani unao angamiza ndugu zetu. Tunauwezo wa kuwa tangaza kwenye mablogu. Tukifanya hivyo watakosa kazi tu, na hata wakihama mikoa watajulikana tu. Tuna uwezo wa kudhibiti hawa madereva. Kama umenusuruka tuma ujumbe kwenye mitandao, kama hujui utasiadiwa tu ukiomba. Tumechoka kuona ajali za kila siku. Vyombo husika kwa sababu wazijuazo hawajaweza kulishughulikia hili tatizo. Basi kila mwenye upendo na kwa umoja tuanze zoezi la kuwa tangaza. Tumewachoka hawa wauaji wa mabasi.
Okay Dr. Mwakyembe iy is another time to REACT and revoke the permits for these bus owners too. As i have said and will keep saying you and your fellow leaders lack quality of leading Tanzanians hence you have invested your time in REACTION while the country needs strong POLICIES and proper enforcement of current policies and laws.
Its time for us all to become responsible because no ministry or department has reacted to indicate consequences for major accidents that have occurred in the last few days, why, its no big deal. This why we the people hurting need to do our part right this minute. Please be truthful when doing this exercise because I know some sick minded people exist. I will explain some of the ways to start solving the problems. Thanks to the internet, blogs and sms. Hardly no accident happens without witnesses. So whoever sees this behavior can start reporting it. It may save others. If you are in a bus and have a smart phone take the picture of the driver or sms a friend or whoever is picking you to take the number of the bus, the conda, and the driver if possible. Most important if many who survive a horrible accident can warn friends, family, neighbors even co workers about a driver or a bus, this raises peoples awareness. Every town, village,city knows the bus, the driver or the conductor. Lets make the horrible incidents go viral. I bet you the so called fear or indifference of powers will stop. We all know blaming and complaining has not bought any productive changes. On the contrary! You begin making a change, you can report an active crime as it is being committed, the bus owner has the option of paying the police, who just slaps a small fine and then everyone is scot free except the passengers who pray for their dear life everytime they chance a ride with a reckless driver. If we can show how bad a crime is everyone will think twice before hoping on recklessly driven buses. we can definitely show who is the cause of the crime. If we follow this sooner rather than later we will save lives. Has it occurred to all if you "starve" any parasite it dies ? So in theory if a lot of people stop taking bus rides by avoiding the reckless drivers and conda, they will barely be able to make their tajiris good money and so they will loose their job very quickly. If they move to another company and are not able to meet their amounts again they will loose their jobs. If we do this all the time everywhere in Tanzania, someone will stop getting one type of hongo, for driving offences, tajiris will start paying attention to the reports .....no one wants their name connected to death due reckless driving.....so they will stop hiring reckless drivers and if the ministry of safety and transportation is doing their job they will have their repeat offenders faces and all on the website....in essence we will have to make the traffic police more responsible. Even if they do not fo anything, the tajiris will have to pay attention what kind of drivers they are hiring. Most important the power is in our hands to decide what bus is safe enough to hop on. I know passengers and their families will do their part right sway. It will take time for the police and tajiris to do anything. it requires team work to start solving this problem. Mbeya has said enough so lets do the necessary without harming anyone. If we post about an accident lets also post how many times this company has had accidents in a month, per route. Usalaama wetu wa barabarani utategemea jinsi gani tunavyoweza kuokoana na siyo polisi tu wala vyombo husika wala tajiri. Ukionywa utajua pakukwepa. Uhai wa binadamu ni bora kuliko ujinga na tamaa ya hela.
nafikiri ajali hizi zinawahusu pia we ye mabasi. kuna kila sababu ya uroho wa wamiliki hao kuwataka konda na dreva kutakiwa kuleta kiwango kikubwa cha pesa. Fikiria kilikuja combo kinaitwa trucking system ambayo inaangalia mwendo wa gari name limit ya speed dereva akizidisha tu kiwango alarm in alia kwenye system ya tajiri name control ya traffic. ukiigusa kutaka kuitoa alarm inamjulisha tajiri na traffic control name unions dreva anahatarisha maisha ya abiria unaweza kulizima gari name dreva asiliwashe mpaka tajiri aliwashe.Pia kuna camera zake zinozoonyesha ujazo wa abiria pia matumizi ya mafuta na matumizi ya matairi name ukigusa tu tank kuiba mafuta tayari alarm in alia kwa tajiri name control traffic. Lakini shangaa watu wa kwanza kukipinga kifaa hicho walikuwa wamiliki wa mabasi kwa kupitia chama chao cha TABOA
Yale yale! Ajali haina kinga!!!!!!
Kila apandae basi ajue dreva wabaya. Na pia asali sana .....la sivyo tunajua hakuna mwingine atakaechukua hatua yeyote. Kazi kwetu abiria. Tukimficha dreva anaendelea kuua, yeye kwa kutumia magari ya matajiri. Tajiri nae anajua kazi ni kutoa hongo kisha kila kitu kina kuwa "sawa". Polisi anaachia kosa kwa sababu hongo itakayotolewa ni kubwa kulikoni faini. Mnaiona hii hesabu ? Tuokoane jamani. Tajeni madereva wahalifu.kila mkoa uchangamikie.
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