Wednesday, November 1, 2017

You are invited to attend 9th Annual Julius K. Nyerere Commemoration

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organized by the JKN Commemoration Committee, Rick & Michele Tingling-Clemmons, Principals
Sunday, November 19, 2017
5:00 – 7:00 pm
Gallery Serengeti
7919 Central Avenue
Capitol Heights, Maryland 20743
President Samora Machel (Moxzambique), Nyerere & President Kenneth Kaunda (Zambia).            US Secretary of State Dean Rusk, Nyerere, President John F.
grade Social Studies teacher at Jefferson Academy Middle School, will serve as master of ceremonies This year marks our 9th year commemorating the life and work of Julius Kambarage Nyerere, first President of Tanzania. We will honor his legacy with a program that features remarks by Baba Mosi-Matsimela, Minister of Information, President, Woodson-Banneker Jackson/ Bey division 330 of DC UNIA-ACL; Stephanie Reich of Jewish Voices for Peace will discuss Julius Nyerere’s history and statements regarding Palestine. We will also be regaled by the Black Workers Center Chorus under the leadership of DC’s revolutionary songstress Luci Murphy.  Langston Mandela Tingling-Clemmons, 8th

  Also invited to address the group are Dr. Greg

Carr, Associate Professor & Chair, Department
of Afro American Studies, Howard University, and

Fravia Marquez of the Embassy of the Bolivarian

Republic of Venezuela.

Speakers will link the work of their organizations

today with the Commemoration’s long-standing

efforts to keep alive Mwalimu Nyerere’s mission

by continuing the fight against poverty, ignorance

and disease. Your participation will aid us in meet-

ing that goal. This year’s program remembers one

of our founders, the late MP Letitia Nyerere, and

early supporter and labor leader, Caroline Gibbons. Fidel Castro & Julius Nyerere

For years, the work of the Commemoration has been principally supported by the DC activist family the Tingling-Clemmons clan, in concert with Tanzanians, all united by their love for justice and admiration for Mwalimu Nyerere. Donations of $25 per person will go to offset basic expenses of venue, artists and repast food.

For more information, contact Rick Tingling-Clemmons at or 202.388.1111.

“Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is love correcting everything which stands against love.”

- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

9th Annual JKN Comm FNL flyer 2017.docx

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