Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Signing ceremony of the USAID Tanzania Development Credit Authority (DCA) Agreement with Amana Bank

USAID Deputy Assistant Administrator for the Bureau of Africa, Dr. Diana B. Putman and Amana Bank - Managing Director, Dr. Muhsin Salim Masoud smile together after signing a new Development Credit Authority (DCA) agreement in Dar es Salaam yesterday. The United States government, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), signed a $10 million USD Financing Portfolio Guarantee Agreement with Amana Bank. The DCA’s aim is to strengthen the bank’s ability to provide financing to agriculture-related micro-, small-, and medium-enterprises and women- and youth-owned businesses in Tanzania. (Photo by USAID)
USAID Deputy Assistant Administrator for the Bureau of Africa, Dr. Diana B. Putman (2nd from left seated) and Amana Bank - Managing Director, Dr. Muhsin Salim Masoud (2nd from right seated) sign a new Development Credit Authority (DCA) agreement with Amana Bank in Dar es Salaam yesterday. The United States government, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), signed a $10 million USD Financing Portfolio Guarantee Agreement with Amana Bank. The DCA’s aim is to strengthen the bank’s ability to provide financing to agriculture-related micro-, small-, and medium-enterprises and women- and youth-owned businesses in Tanzania. (Photo by USAID)
USAID/Tanzania Mission Director Andrew Karas (2nd from right) and Amana Bank - Managing Director, Dr. Muhsin Salim Masoud (3rd from right) speak to journalists after the signing ceremony of the Development Credit Authority (DCA) agreement in Dar es Salaam yesterday. The United States government, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), signed a $10 million USD Financing Portfolio Guarantee agreement with Amana Bank. The DCA’s aim is to strengthen the bank’s ability to provide financing to agriculture-related micro-, small-, and medium-enterprises and women- and youth-owned businesses in Tanzania. (Photo by USAID

U.S. Embassy Dar es Salaam
October 7, 2019

U.S. Government Signs Development Credit Authority (DCA) Agreement 
with Amana Bank
Dar es Salaam: On October 7, 2019, the United States Government, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), signed a $10 million USD Financing Portfolio Guarantee Agreement with Amana Bank. The DCA’s aim is to strengthen the bank’s ability to provide financing to agriculture-related micro-, small-, and medium-enterprises and women- and youth-owned businesses in Tanzania.
During the signing ceremony, Dr. Diana B. Putman, USAID Deputy Assistant Administrator for the Bureau of Africa said, “The guarantee agreement is intended to strengthen Amana Bank’s ability to provide financing to agribusinesses in Tanzania. As a result, we anticipate this program will contribute to sustainable growth of agriculture-related businesses.”
In addition to supporting increased access to credit, the agreement expands access to customers and regions throughout Tanzania, including Zanzibar. The agreement with Amana Bank is the first partnership with an Islamic bank in sub-Saharan Africa.
The U.S. government supports business development and the role of the private sector in contributing to Tanzania’s development and capacity to achieve self-reliance.

To request more information, please call the U.S. Embassy Dar es Salaam Press Office at Tel: +255 22 229-4000 or email:

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