Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Ndugu Washarika,
Karibuni tena Jumapili tupate neno kutoka kwa mtumishi mama Chilwa Kiliaki ikiwa ni sehemu ya maandalizi ya sikukuu ya mavuno Jumapili Novemba 3,2013.Mgeni rasmi siku hiyo ni balozi wa Tanzania Marekani,Balozi Liberata Mulamula.
Watanzania wote ambao wanahitaji pasipoti mpya au ku-renew wanaombwa wajiandikishe au wawasiliane na mchungaji wetu ili tujue idadi kamili ili balozi afanye mipango kuja na ofisa anayehusika na masuala ya uhamiaji.
Tunakumbushwa kujiandaa kwa ajili ya siku hiyo muhimu ya MAVUNO pamoja na kumpokea mgeni wetu Balozi Mulamula.Tutaendelea kuwafahamisha zaidi kuhusu sherehe ya mavuno kadri siku zinakaribia.
Wahudumu katika ibada Jumapili ni Mama D.Kagaruki na Mama J.Gabagambi.
Karibuni Sana,Mbarikiwe na Bwana,
Mch. Andrea Mwalilino.
 Dear Congregants.
Please join us Sunday at our regular service and get the message from Mama Chilwa Kiliaki who will deliver the sermon as part of our preparation for Harvest Festival scheduled on November 3rd,2013.The guest of Honour will  be Tanzanian Ambassador to USA Honorable Ambassador Liberata Mulamula.
We therefore request all Tanzanians who need new passports or need to renew their passports to contact me as soon as possible so that we can get actual numbers to justify the embassy to bring staff to accompany the ambassador during the visit to facilitate the passport business.
So you are reminded to SAVE THE DATE NOVEMBER 3RD,2013 SWAHILI SERVICE HARVEST CEREMONY.And also to come give our ambassador warm reception.We will give updates of the Mavuno and ambassador visit as days approach the D Day.
Ushers on duty Sunday are Ms D. Kagaruki and Ms J. Gabagambi.
Wellcome all,Blessings.
Rev. Andrea Mwalilino.


Anonymous said...

Naomba kujua hii itafanyika Nchi gani na state gani?

Anonymous said...

I whole-heartedly welcome the invitation to the service. However, I find it odd that the Ambassador would even consider asking one of her subordinates to come with her to a religious service so (s)he could perform official government duties there. That will be the right thing at the wrong place.

Anonymous said...

Wapi tuje ?