Monday, September 7, 2015


My name is Natalia. I am a MN resident. In 2008 I began feeling sick with pain everywhere. I went to see different doctors none of which could determine what was wrong with me. As time passed without diagnosis or treatment the pain became so severe almost disabling me physically. I was confined to my bed. It was difficult as i had no help. As sick as i was, God enabled be to have a strong heart and mind set. I was able to drag myself to the kitchen to make poridge and milk. That is all i ate for about a year.

Unfortunately my kidneys were gradually failing and my heart began to fail too. I have had several blood transfusions due to anaemia. The blood transfusions caused antibodies against the donated blood i received. My whole body was swolen, my heart got larger and my lungs were begining to fail too. It was really the ends of time for me.

I met a great team of doctors from a hospital in St Paul,MN to whom i owe my life today.
I was admitted there following severe breathing problems, dizzy and nausea. There i met a sweet lady (probably in her 55-65 yrs old) who became my rheumatologist. She was able to determine it was lupus and she also found out it had affected my kidneys (kidney nephritis).

My rheumatologist recomended my nephrologist who became my second hero. At this time everything was going down hill. At the end of the day i had a very active lupus (SLE) which damaged my kidney(kidneys nephritis) which in return caused congistive heart failure, anaemia and kidney failure.

With that I am stuck with medical bills from 2008 to today. Most of these bills were due to emergency hospitalization and other aggressive treatments i have received. I am now on dialysis 3 times a week and 3 hours each day. It is not easy but I thank God for givng me a second chance to live. I am reaching out to you hoping you will be a part of my care with whatever you can donate towards my outstanding medical bills as well as for my care.

In the end i want to be able to continue to live a full life and most importantly to help others who are going through what i am going through and without help or any idea where to run to.
Please Note: I am not in critical condition today. I am able to run errands, do home activities, even work 4 days week. I also noted there was a typing error on the message above ('I confined to bed'), I corrected that. I apologize for the confusion. I am ambulatory!
Thank you so much for your support.  MSAIDIE KWA KUBOFYA HAPA


Anonymous said...

Pole sana dada Natalia..jaribu kuongea na social workers wanaweza kusaidia kufutiwa deni kabisa

Anonymous said...

Pole sana bibie.

Natalia, can you disclose the total amount of your medical bill? This may help people to decide how much to donate each.

You may also be surprised that someone may be able to foot the whole bill. But it is important to give people an idea of the extent of help that you need.

God speed.