Saturday, May 19, 2018

Message from DICOTA

2018 DICOTA Convention

August 30th -September 2nd, 2018

Message from DICOTA President
Charles Bishota, Esq

Each convention year, DICOTA and its volunteers spend countless hours preparing the signature occasion, to ensure it meets the needs of our members. I am very excited to share that the Seattle 2018 Convention preparation team is striving to outdo its predecessor hosts. I was in Seattle for the kick-off event on Saturday April 21, 2018, and I can personally confirm, Tanza-Seattle is ready for you!!! Our roving photographer took some pictures from the event, and you can see them here. Since Seattle is so ready, DICOTA has increased the forecast for the attendees, and we are preparing accordingly to host you. Do not forget to take advantage of the bring a friend offer which ends on May 15th, 2018.
DICOTA gears its content to the busy diaspora who wants to know how to engage, and where to engage. With that in mind, we have spent the last few months in the community, engaging and networking to learn how to best serve you. To name a few our representatives were guests at CSI 5th Anniversary in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 54th Tanzania National Day in Washington DC, and others flew to the Tanzania Day Festival in Dallas, Texas.
In addition to the community engagement, our programming team has been busy preparing the lineup for the upcoming convention. Please visit to learn more about the schedule, location, speakers, and logistics. We are excited in our increased partnerships with the community, which allows us to focus on the content, whilst our brothers and sisters in Seattle are preparing the host city for our welfare. The diaspora community has spoken numerous time, of its readiness to engage and take part in the development of Tanzania. Seattle will be a great place to explore our ideas, and I am looking forward to seeing you there.
Cooperation and collaboration are my buzzwords for the year. And they are two things that DICOTA has really excelled at this year. From the engagement platform created during last years Health Forum, a special team is working on developing different way we can engage in healthcare, from innovation and investments in that sector. If you have ideas and perspectives on what we should include during the healthcare track at the convention, or in the  initiatives we discuss during the Education and Entrepreneurship tracks, please e-mail me at
Get ready to close the second part of the year with hard work and fun. As a diaspora we are a group that values the time-honored traditions of anything Tanzanian combined with the newest and greatest ideas we should embrace. We have shown that we aren’t afraid to try new things. As our recent former President advised me during turn over,  "We will work hard, do good, and have fun",(Dr. Ndaga Mwakabuta). " We will be the best Tanzanians we can be"  said Mr.Lunda Asmani. And in keeping with this, I close by saying we will be building all relationships to make this possible.

Thank you for all your support and hard work in making DICOTA the stellar representative of our diaspora. I am honored to serve as your president, and I want this to be ”our” year more than anything in the world!

Now through May 15th, 2018. Bring A Friend  For $125!
The full conference fee includes;
 3-day conference,  Access to Keynotes, General Sessions, Sponsored Sessions, Marketplace Expo, Networking, Diaspora Bank Services, Real Estate Services, Tax Services, Student Loan Services (HESBL), Passport Services, Job opportunities, Seattle Tours, Live Performances, Meals (Light Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner), and Evening Receptions (Cocktail Reception, Night Gala, Fashion Shows & Kwaheri Dance), Group Exercise with Fitness Coach & Soccer Tournament.
Sign Up For Pre-Convention Tours!

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