
Friday, August 31, 2012


Dear Friend

This sunday september 2  From 3pm to 6pm,We are  Going to have Seminars" Improve Your Memory" at Landmark Hotel Speakers are Prof Flora Fabiani,Dr Ruloga Mtandu and Shadrack Ntuha  who is going Real the secret behind.

Discover the benefits of remembering more.
Do you meet new people and within minutes totally forget their names? Are you starting to have “senior moments” way too early? Would you like to improve your memory skills? If you answered yes, then this fun and interactive seminar  from MIKONO’s Season Ticket series is meant for you!
Many cultures, including our own, correlate a good memory to intelligence, vigor, and motivation. When you remember information, it makes you feel proud and your confidence increases. There are many myths about what constitutes a good memory. MIKONO BUSINESS CONSULT LTD  is here to take the secret out of memory and help you to improve your ability to recall names, numbers, and more!
You will learn how to:
  • Assess your own memory skills in total privacy.
  • Break down numbers to help you remember phone numbers, estimates, etc.
  • Associate names with facial characteristics or events
  • Use the right and left hemispheres of your brain to aid your memory.
  • Successfully use mnemonic devices
  • Create mind maps
Remember the date for this  seminar! Is September /2 /2012
Entrance is TSH 10,000 BOOK NOW CALL 0717109362

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