Thursday, December 27, 2012

A man who broke into singer Jose Chameleone’s home on Boxing Day has died due to severe burns he sustained in the botched attack.

Kalamagi at Mulago hospital after sustaining the burns

Robert Kalamagi, 27, gained access to the singer’s home whose gate at the time was unmanned on Wednesday morning.

The singer’s wife Daniella Mayanja narrated that she had just woken up and was in their bedroom when she heard movements in the sitting room. She said at first she thought pets they keep at home were the ones playing around but realized they were human movements.

She said at the time Chameleone was asleep as he had come in late after a hectic festive season schedule. She said she went to the sitting room and found a man whom she asked what he wanted. The man just turned and walked towards the door unbothered.

She said she then called Chameleon to come to the sitting room. As she waited for him she started grilling the man on what he was doing in their home. She said he then proceeded to collect a 5-litre jerrycan he had placed somewhere and tried to douse her in what turned out to be petrol.

However as fate would have it, the petrol instead spilled on him as Daniella stood transfixed. The man then retrieved a lighter which he had meant to torch her with, and proceeded to light it up.

The man instantly became a ball of fire and started writhing in pain and screaming for help. The Police were then called in and arrested the man who was later whisked to Mulago national referral hospital and admitted.

Source The New Vision

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