Thursday, January 31, 2013

Is Ginger Made of Magic? Why It's so Good for You

By Lexi Patronis, Glamour
Ginger doesn't just make cookies especially tasty (I swear that triple-ginger cookies are basically impossible not to eat)--the potent root is filled with health-boosting benefits.

Ginger can help settle your stomach when you're feeling pukey; it has anti-inflammatory properties (research has shown that it brings down pain levels in people suffering from osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis); and studies have indicated it may provide relief from migraines. And, amazingly, preliminary research has shown that ginger may even help slow the growth of cancerous tumors.

So how do we get more ginger into our lives (besides eating batches upon batches of those aforementioned cookies)? What about sprinkling it over your morning yogurt, stirring it into some tea, adding some to your stir fry, putting it into tomato sauce, or using it to zest up your soup? In some recipes, you can even use it instead of salt or sugar.

And here are some other ideas! The recipes below are from world-famous restaurants specifically use Wakaya Perfection, a hand-cultivated, organic powdered ginger from the island of Fiji. One of the cool things about cooking with ginger is that you can play around with it in recipes until you find what works best for your tastes--while still getting some great health benefits

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