
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Here's Why Tilda Swinton is Sleeping in a Glass Box

'Moonrise Kingdom' Actress Tilda Swinton sleeps in a glass box as a surprise peformance piece at the Musuem Of Modern Art in New York City, New York on March 23, 2013.
No, Tilda Swinton is not reenacting a scene from Snow Whiteby sleeping in a glass box. She's not waiting for Prince Charming. Instead, this is art.

The quirky actress will be sleeping in her glass box — for an entire day — at NYC's Museum of Modern Art at "random" and "unannounced" times throughout the rest of the month. She just shows up with a jug of water and climbs in bed while museum-goers get to stare at her in wonder. The idea was conceived years and years ago by the actress, who performed the same type of thing in London and in Rome in the mid-'90s.

There's been no explanation about the motivation for bringing it back and the MoMA has been mum too. The gallery's official statement on the matter simply stated that there will be "no published schedule for its appearance, no artist's statement released, no museum statement beyond this brief context, no public profile or image issued. Those who find it chance upon it for themselves, live and in real — shared — time: now we see it, now we don't."

Apparently the museum staff doesn't even know when the actress will show!

See more Tilda Swinton pics here:
'Moonrise Kingdom' Actress Tilda Swinton sleeps in a glass box as a surprise peformance piece at the Musuem Of Modern Art in New York City, New York on March 23, 2013.
'Moonrise Kingdom' Actress Tilda Swinton sleeps in a glass box as a surprise peformance piece at the Musuem Of Modern Art in New York City, New York on March 23, 2013.

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