Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Your Excellency Donald Tusk, Prime Minister of Poland;
Your Excellency Mr.  Ban Ki Moon, UN Secretary General;
Excellencies Heads of State and Government;
His Excellencies John Asha, President of the United Nation General Assembly;
Honourable Marcin Korolec, Minister for the Environment of Poland and COP 19/CMP9President;
Honourable Ministers;
Ms. Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change;
Distinguished Delegates;
Ladies and Gentlemen;
I sincerely thank you Mr. Prime Minister and the people of Poland for the warmth of reception and gracious hospitality accorded to me and my delegation since our arrival in this beautiful city of Warsaw. On behalf of African Heads of State and Government who I represent here today, I wish to express our deepest appreciation to your Excellency and your esteemed Government for a job very well done of hosting and organising this Conference so well. We congratulate Poland for assuming the Presidency of COP 19/CMP 9 and pledge our full support and cooperation.

Allow me also to commend the State of Qatar for the good work done at COP 18/CMP 8 and during the intervening period to this meeting. In a very special way I would like to pay special tribute to my predecessor the late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi for the wonderful job he did representing the views of our dear continent, Africa. I will try to do my level best to ensure that his legacy lives on.
Furthermore, we express our deepest sorrow and condolences to the people of the Philippines and Vietnam for loss of lives and property caused by the recent devastating typhoon.  It speaks volumes about the urgency of taking appropriate measures to deal with climate change. Otherwise there will be more end even worse disasters now and in future.
Mr. President,
It is an open secret that climate change poses one of the biggest threats to humanity’s well being and its very existence. Africa suffers more than any other continent on this planet. Africa displays a wider range and diversity of challenges and adversities caused by climate change. The sad thing is Africa suffers so much, despite having the smallest carbon footprints. Africa’s per capita emission is, on average, less than 1 ton per annum. And, with our current growth rate, our per capita emission is not likely to exceed 2 tons, by 2030.
Mr. President;
Africa does not want to be on the receiving end with regard to climate change and its effects.  We have been taking measures both policy and otherwise to respond to the needs for mitigation and adaptation.  Unfortunately we are constrained in terms of limited financial resources technology and skills.  I would like to use this opportunity to make two humble appeals.  Fortunately they are not new. First, making available adequate, sustainable and predictable financial resources, transfer of technology on concessional basis, establishment of modalities for financing Green Climate Fund (GCF). We also call for equitable opportunities in carbon trade.
UNEP Adaptation Gap Technical Report shows that in a below 2°C warming pathway, adaptation costs in Africa is estimated to be USD 35 billion per year by the 2040s and USD 200 billion per year by the 2070s. Going by experience, these resources are unlikely to be realized.  For example, over the last three years, the financial pledges made have not been met. Also, over 70 percent of what has been delivered, has gone  towards addressing mitigation than adaptation. And much of it has gone to more advanced developing countries than Africa.  
This must change if we really want to move forward. We need a  Convention Framework that recognizes the vulnerability of  African States and address their limited capacity in mitigation and adaption.
Mr. President,
The second appeal is about the Framework continuing to embody the principle of“Polluter pays and that of common but differentiated responsibilities”. This is important because it is in the interest of all countries, those in the Kyoto Protocol and those outside it to increase their carbon reduction ambition targets.  Our position in Africa is that developed countries should pluck-up political will and take appropriate action to reduce Green House Gases (GHGs) by between 25 percent and 40 percent by 2020 and by between 80 percent and 95 percent by 2050 below 1990 levels in line with the recommendation of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). In this regard, we urge all parties to ratify the Doha Amendments for the Second Commitment Period of the Kyoto Protocol.
It is heart warming indeed, to note that many African countries are already making serious efforts to reduce green house emissions besides contribution to mitigation and adaptation. Besides putting in place national climate change policies, and strategies that provide the financial technological and capacity needs to address climate change we have set aside millions of hectares of land as forest reserves and national parks that are sequestering carbon dioxide emissions produced elsewhere.
We know, also that a lot of efforts have been made and continue to be made to address the devastating effects of climate change at the global scale, and a lot of progress is being made as well. However, much more remains and needs to be done. The world looks to this COP 19/CMP 9 to take bold decisions to advance the cause of fighting for the wellbeing of this planet we all call home.  This meeting provides us with   another opportunity to renew our commitment to addressing the threats.  We should rise to these expectations without failure. It is our humble view in Africa that a successful outcome here at Warsaw will be an important milestone in our journey to Peru next year and ultimately, to Paris in 2015 where we must ensure that we get a new legally binding agreement. Failure to succeed at Paris will be heartbreaking indeed. 
Mr. President;
Specifically at this meeting Africa would like to go home with consensus on the seven key areas of discussion and negotiation:-
1.    You will agree on the institutional arrangement to address loss and damage due to climate change.
2.    You will agree on the institution to administer forest related activities. An institution for ensuring and supervising financial support to developing countries to deal with issues related to REDD+ should be agreed.
3.    We hope you will agree on reporting mechanisms and guidelines which will allow monitoring of actions to reduce emissions in developed countries.
4.    Elements and framework on how developed countries will increase their emission reduction ambitions need to be elaborated.
5.    There is an urgent need for Green Climate Fund to be capitalized. It is an empty shell at the moment. We must ensure that its coffers are adequately filled. Also, you must agree on how the promised USD 100 billion annually by 2020 will be realised and disbursed.
6.     The Climate Technology Centre and Network should ensure mechanism to address barriers related technology transfer, including the issue of intellectual  property rights are addressed.
7.    At this COP we also need to ensure that elements for increased emission reduction ambitions are agreed.
Mr. President;
Let me end by reiterating that Africa welcomes the United Nations Secretary General’s call for a Leader’s Summit in 2014. We hope that the Warsaw Outcome will address the way forward in implementation of the Doha Gateway, including access to finance, technology transfer and an inclusive roadmap with clear commitment in all areas at COP 20 in Lima, Peru and a meaningful agreement at COP 21 in Paris.
           Africa looks forward to constructive engagements and   successful conclusions of the conference.
         I thank you all for your attention.

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