Mume wa Flora Mbasha, Emmanuel Mbasha akipelekwa mahabusu ya Mahakama ya Wilaya ya Ilala, Dar.
...Askari Magereza akifunga mlango wa mahabusu.
...Emmanuel Mbasha akielekea kizimbani.
wa Flora Mbasha, Emmanuel Mbasha (32) anayekabiliwa na kesi ya ubakaji
amepewa dhamana katika Mahakama ya Wilaya ya Ilala, Dar baada ya
kutimiza masharti.
amefikishwa mahakamani hapo akitokea Gereza la Keko alikopelekwa Juni
17 mwaka huu akikabiliwa na kesi ya kumbaka shemeji yake.
baada ya kutolewa kwenye mahabusu ndogo ya mahakamani hapo alionekana
mnyonge na aliyechoka hali iliyosababisha simanzi kwa ndugu na jamaa
zake waliokusanyika mahakamani hapo.
ya kesi hiyo kutajwa, rafiki wa Mbasha aliyejitambulisha kwa jina la
George Mushi na baba wa mtuhumiwa huyo, Mwahimu Juma walifanikiwa
kutimiza masharti ya dhamana.
jamani mwe anatia huruma
I really pray for this family, the devil is a liver! Dear Lord I commit Flora & Emanuel in to your hands , Father I ask you to have mercy and Grace on them .Papa God break every curses , Forgive them and wash them with the blood of your Lamb, cleanse them, purify them and them holly ,in Jesus name, I am asking you to fight for them and their in Jesus name, surrounding them with holly ghost power, in the might name of Jesus and no weapons informed against them, their marriage, their households shall prosper in the mighty name of Jesus , I'm asking you to do it for your glorry in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
mlokole gani asikuwa na msamahaa.. haya mambo mbona waTZ wanaweza kuyamaliza nyumbani tu.. udhalilishaji gani huu.. kwani huyo aliyemtuhumu hana dhambi yeyote... Mbona ndoa nyingi zina shida lakini watu tunayaongea na kuyamaliza.. kama huyo mwanamke ameshindwa kukaa na mumewe si waachane tu kuzidi kumtesa mwenzake... kweli mbinguni wataenda wachache saana.. Mwenyezi Mungu aturehemu.
Who are we to judge Flora or Mbasha? We are no body. Let's try to be a discipline Christians or Muslims by praying for them, even fasting for them so God can show his glorry up on them, in Jesus name , Amen. Remember we are all sinners , we just live through his Grace and Mercy. We are on the last days my sisters and brothers , and devil knows that . I believe Everybody wants to go to heavens , our precious God is trying to call us and devil is not far from it . We are on the race to heaven, there is no way the devil will want us go to heavens. All devil wants is to have some Christians to go with him , so how can the devil do it? By attacked those who praise, worship, spread the Gospel in any ways ,just to put our God to shame, I say it will never happened in Jesus name, God forbid in Jesus name, Amen. There is the power in the name of Jesus and I ask my God that Power to be up on his people so they can see that glorry from him, Amen!
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