Juma Mwapachu
as so well conjectured in WB Yeats's epic poem, 'The Second Coming'. Tanzanians are in a desperate search for a hearing 'falconer' who can once again rekindle and awaken their aspirations and hopes which Mwalimu Nyerere so powerfully promised to deliver. They desperately await a more enriching and rewarding life, now and not in any future. They are thus anxiously looking for a 'second coming' of a leader who can lead them to the land of 'milk and honey'. They are looking for a leader, not a good manager; somebody who does the right thing and not one who merely does things right. A leader is a person who gets elected. A manager, in contrast, is always appointed to perform tasks and responsibilities. Many of us are managers and can acquit ourselves very well in such responsibility. But we are not leaders. The forthcoming Presidential election crucially revolves around our making a critical choice for the this new epoch in our country; a choice between electing a 'manager' and a good one at that and a 'leader'. What is most interesting about this particular election is that, in as much as we would popularly wish to think that the contest is between the CCM and UKAWA candidates, the reality is different. The contest is between 'leadership' and 'management'. In my view and a well considered one, Edward Ngoyai Lowassa will provide the much needed leadership that our country desperately requires. John Pombe Magufuli will only, in contrast, give us what he is best at, mere good management. If we are seriously thinking about 'change' and real change at that for our country, then we have to decide what we want; business as usual but better delivered or a transformative leadership that best understands the challenges of a brave new world with all its unpredictabilities and fast changing social, economic, political and technology changes. It is a moment for serious choice. Choose wisely.
Blah! blah!blah! How can you be a good leader without being a manageable person? What a turning point is he talking about? Taking the corrupted people and giving them the leadership of our beloved country? What kind of momentous and new visionary steps of leadership in our country is he talking about where 95% of the leadership of the so called part of change come from one area of the country. Is Tanzania now officially entering into provincial and tribes politics? I believe many Tanzanians are against of that ill fated idea but lookalike some using all of their power making sure that happens. Tanzanians are desperating for change? Wait a minutes that is not the way it is. The power hungriers are desperating for the leadership that way it is. And when it comes who can be a good leader between magufuli and lowasa? Tanzanians already knows whose is better one between the two. They don't need a gang fellow of the corrupted network to tell them who can be their president. Magufuli a clean fellow no scandals nothing just an honest and very hard working man. Very patriotic man for the country, humble and knows the country and the people he want to serve very well and he is not about running for the power but he serious bout serving his beloving country with pious and dignity.
Firstly, I am not sure who is your audience in this article because most Tanzanian voters do not understand English.
Secondly, your candidate Edward Lowassa has been part of the system for over 30 years and is one of the managers who created this mess in the first place. The suggestion that Lowassa is a visionary leader is misleading, dishonest and self-serving propaganda for your own personal interest. It is insanity to have the same people doing the same thing the same way over and over and expect different results.
no logic at all, what kind of analysis you just given mr mwapachu.???
This is arguably the best analysis of these two sides by Mr. Mwapachu. If anyone is against business as usual and endorses leadership that understands challenges that have ruled our societies for more that 50 years, then change is inevitable. I believe we need to get out of our comfort zone, endorse change hoping for the best, and hold our leaders accountable through the ballot.
This was posted by one Paul Juventus (probably a follower) on Mwapachu's Facebook page. Is Paul Juventus Mwapachu's spokesperson? Vijimambo, you should always try to confirm the authenticity of the news you publish!
Very strong word Kaka Juma.
Wenye akili timamu tumekuelewa vizuri,mashabiki wasiopenda mabadiliko yenye kufuata principles watakuuelewa taratiiibu.
You guys now putting lot bias in posting the comments you just show exactly where you are siding but that is not gonna help Just keeping doing your shameful things and we will see.
Reggie, great comment. We should get out of our comfort zone for the Better Tanzania and its people. It took so long for this to happen and I personally, what I can tell you is "it is going to happen." Above all, this is a process. A great change is not going to happen overnight. With all of us beginning by voting Chama Cha Mapinduzi OUT of Power on October 25, 2015, then the process will continue. May God Bless Tanzania!!!
The capacity to manage well and lead with conviction is rarely found in equal measure in one person. And that's OK. Clearly, the president of united republic of Tanzania must be both. Experience tells me that some managers can also be excellent leaders. Leadership is a complex matter. A person in the role of leader may provide no or poor leadership and a person who is not recognized as a “leader” in title can provide excellent leadership. Emergent leaders gain status and respect through engagement and are turned to by others as a resource when leadership is needed. If experience is all about leading, the two sides have capable candidates.
Among the biggest problem we’re facing as a country now, is corruption and lack of Accountability by leaders and the abuse of public office for personal gain. The country needs someone who is able to deal with those who will be found guilty for public prospects, which will in turn boost the momentum and confidence of the people and move the country forward.
In my opinion, this election will be about the leader who will bring back ethical means by the government leaders and credibly maintain a strong anti-corruption stance. Under his leadership accountability should flow in all directions throughout the government. To build and sustain a successful country, citizen in the country must hold one another accountable, including those of higher rank. I believe the Tanzanians will do the best job in the booth coming October. It is just a matter of time, God bless Tanzania
IMF, WORLD BANK etc don't wanna deal with Lowassa. Obama said publicly he would be surprised if CCM would let Lowassa run for president.
UKAWA's hypocrisy is glaringly out in the open. It ain't about no damn change. It's all about personal ambitions.
Tanzania is going down big time if this UKAWA crap runs the country.
You guys are quick to forget. CCM isn't all that bad. It still maintained peace. It controlled tribalism and religious conflicts. We are in a league of our own.
We don't have many problems that are common in our neighbors such as Kenya, Uganda, Zambia etc.
The only place UKAWA had an ace over CCM was on funds embezzlement. Now that they are picking up rejects from CCM they no longer hold that advantage over. They are the "fisadis" . The whole thing don't make sense anymore.
There are many CCM opportunists who are not sure which way the wind is blowing. In their uncertainties they will make comments such as those made in this article.
Critical peace of note and well stated Mr. Mwapachu. What I can add to your words is that, unfortunately those who are at helm they think that Tanzanian in 2015 are similar to those of 1960's that posture is deadly wrong to them and they will be suprised.
The other day I wrote that, the overwhelming majority of supporters of changes are .com kids, and their thinking capacity is of global perspective rather than street level. Social networking and the evolution of modern communication devices made the world to be a very small village. The desires for youths of Tanzania today is very similar to any youth in the first world.
CCM has has buried itself into a delusional, and instead of coming to the political arena with critical thoughts and convincing arguments to the people they just bring bunch of none senses and tough talking that have no any remedies into today's politics.
We saw how naive the President was talking about opposition when he was delivering a speech at the CCM lumumba office after escorting their canditate to pick up Presidential forms of election commission.
Not only that, he continues talking none sense like nothing is going to happen in next election.
CCM will be unseated, either they like or not. Now their best bet is to come with the best point of views to tell wananchi. Attacking anyone in opposition side is stupid and instead will give and individual more popularity.
Wamelewa madaraka na watatolewa kirahisi sana kwa kuwa kumsukuma mlevi ni rahisi sana.
Ukawa have read the signs of a falling giant, and they are now utilizing it accordingly.
You don't know what you have until it is gone!
Nyerere left CCM in an auto pilot state. No government was overthrown. Minimized tribalism and religios conflicts. Peace prevailed even during severe power ration.
The only advantage UKAWA had over CCM was funds embezzlement complaints. Now that they have allowed the same people they accused of being corrupt in CCM to lead them, they have lost both their credibility and the advantage.
There is no telling on what they will do next. CCM has a strong hold on military and state forces. The same cannot be said with this UKAWA.
I can easily see the original UKAWA overthrowing the imported CCM leaders in a matter of six months. They can use the same accusations they had on them before to overthrow their government.
When men in uniforms lead the country we will have arrived at the so long awaited change.
This article is biased. The guy praised in this article was in the same government for many years. He is part of the problem of mismanaged the resources and corruption. He supported the same government, did he think the government was committing injustice to the people then.
ELN is selfish and everything is about himself, he never condemned the system until he was kicked out (what a patriot!). Msiwafanye watanzania wapumbavu kushabikia upuuzi. We are not handling the country to Fisadi
Guys, don't waste your time analyzing a fake article. Go to Mwapachu's Facebook page and you'll see for your self that the stupid commentary was actually posted by one lunatic, Paul Juventus!
Seriously, jokes aside. What the hell change is Lowassa supposed to bring?
Does a monkey change its habits in a different fo forest?
UKAWA are counting on Tanzanians being stupid to win the next election.
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