Wednesday, December 9, 2015


                                                 BY MOHAMED MATOPE              
I’m not the kind of guy who jumps in the political bandwagon without diligently giving a critical examination of the issues at stake. I speak my mind without fear or favor, calling out, any government wrong doing, as well as giving credit where credit is due.   I have never written a column like this. Readers may hardly believe it, but I am not on any political team. Being incline to throw my support toward the high and mighty, isn’t among my few virtues.
It’s important, however, for this to be said : Tanzanians, this time, may count themselves lucky to have John Magufuli as president.  We should wake up and appreciate, throw our support behind him, now that he’s attempting to eradicate corruption and bring back memories of good governance, we once enjoyed during the early years of independence.   
One can hate CCM, or be unhappy with the result of the election or even dislike his bluntness,-in-your face style or be disappointed the excitement of his election didn’t last. But his accomplishments, ambitious goals and efforts to form a competent government and commanding nationwide as well as the entire continent of Africa’s appeal, is worthy of our admiration and appreciation.

If you haven’t been following the news, let me put it into prospective of what this man has been able to accomplish in a rather short period of his presidency:
During his campaign, he promised putting together a cabinet of hard working and uncorrupt individuals. Well, that box is checked off with the appointment of Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa. A Highly respected public servant, hardworking and above all, he’s scandal-less as of now. Although this‘s his first and only cabinet appointment so far, however, it’s important steps in the right direction.
He publicly walked into the Muhimbili Hospital and saw for himself, how neglected and abandoned the patients looked, one woman for instance,  was on admission for a couple of  months, just to  wait  for MRI machine -the only machine in the entire hospital- repaired before she could receive a  treatment on her broken leg. Amazingly, the MRI machine was not only repaired in two days, but also, he diverted millions of Shillings that were appropriated for Wabunge’s post –election celebrations, to refurbish the hospital.  
He has consistently said he would halt excessive government spending, that also is checked off; he has slashed government official overseas travel fund, alternatively, he expanded Ambassadors roles, to those of representing local officials abroad. He has turned down the funding for Independence Day Celebrations, instead he directed the money to fund public development projects. He has vowed   to eliminate tens of ministries, as well as to shrinking the government to the pre Mkapa administration level.
What’s perhaps most intriguing on his ambitious goals is emphasizing on ending revenue bleeding through curbing corruption and tax evasion , as opposed to traditional ways of slashing the ministry of education’s budget. He had fired almost the entire top leadership of the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) and prosecuted several of them for tax frauds, he has given cargo tax cheaters one week to pay up what they owe, he had cracked down hundreds of cargo tax defaulters, as a result trillions of shillings will be recovered.
Perhaps, it’s too early to jump into conclusion on his accomplishments just yet,   I get that.  After all, he has been a president for just little over a month, I get that too, However, let’s acknowledge this man’s efforts, considering that  it has been  a long time  since we had a government that draws   the admiration of a whole continent and beyond.



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

wewe Bwana Matope mbona nilisikia unamuunga mkono Membe,vipi umebadirisha mawazo?Lakini sikulaumu maana mimi mwenyewe nilikuwa kwa Lowasa .Lakini niko very proud of Mr Magufuli,especially anavyowafanyizia hawa wezi wa bandarini.

Anonymous said...

Yes sir,i concur ,its true,and really shows the true color of Mr Kikwete JMK,look at today Uhuru day ,he would have been dressed up ,jump into the 20 cars possession trips to Uwanja wa Taifa and party all day.

Anonymous said...

Whoever wrote this column is not open and to my opinion is very intimidated to tell the truth nothing but the truth, i will tell you why.If you want to talk about Magufuli's accomplishments,you also have to talk about CCM and ,especially Kikwete's failed policies that has brought our country on it's knee fo over 50 years.Tell us,vividly who was frequently travelling abroad and spent millions of dollars at the expense of Tanzanian people.Its was Kikwete.You spoke about PM Majaliwa without pointing out Lowassa ,Kikwete first PM.What about who hyper inflated the cabinet ministers.What about Ridhiwani and corruption that is tied with him.Who destroyed our revenue system .So chief tell us all not what you want us to hear.

Anonymous said...

Matope thanks for realizing the efforts of our president ,we appreciate your words of encouragement, and on behalf of the president ,we are assuring you and all Tanzanians we will never rest until we get it right to the satisfaction of all the people of this great nation.

Anonymous said...

This President is awesome, and after he's done fixing the rot that is corruption in Tanzania he should and is welcome to come to Uganda and fix the nightmarish quagmire that is Uganda's rampant and out of control corruption......Then he can move on to DR. Congo, then to Kenya, and finish off with Rwanda and Burundi.... Only then will it truly be
"The Great" Lakes Region

Anonymous said...

If MaguFULI continues with these reforms, Magufuli will leave a legacy that no President who comes before Magufuli has done. Magufuli is a man wo has lived in poverty before and it serves he right to stnd on his feet as Magufuli and make fundamental reforms without fear because if Magufuli does not do what he is doing, he is bound to lead to the downfall of CCM

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Well done Tanzania!!! But such an act of pure and true statesmanship and patriotism could hardly ever happen in Uganda because the Executive has ensured that the only people appointed in positions are entitled to abuse public office. Otherwise, how could the Authority manage to feed them when gluttonous eating to bilge is the order of the day!! Ugandans know that a cancer must be exorcised to cure the body but the can hardly accept surgery because pleasure must come first!!

Anonymous said...

President Magufuli also on Thursday last week provided a seven day grace
period to businessmen who have evaded tax to go and voluntarily pay or
face arrest and court charges by the end of the ultimatum. On Friday,
TRA records showed that TShs6billion which part of the lost revenues had
already been collected....

I am envious

Anonymous said...

Wow! This man is really turning tables here. If he were in Uganda, I am not sure what his fate would be. But if he implemented this in Uganda, none would be left standing. He would have unearthed all those reports of commissions of inquiry gathering dust somewhere. No one would be left standing and he would have to appoint entirely new people unheard of before to his government.

△ ▽

Anonymous said...

I just feel like a Tanzanian. This is the kind of change and presidency we need in Uganda. The abolition of the independence day lavish spending in TZ by the new president, who instead preferred to have Tanzanians spend that time in community work was a winner for me. I always keep saying that the money that Museveni has had control over and spent at the national level is far more than what can ever be generated from oil. So it is utopic to tell Ugandans that our fortunes may change because of oil discovering.
We do not need oil to have a referral hospital in Abim district with medical staff. I do not think so?

Unknown said...

I'm crying tears of joy for Tanzania. Now, Mr. President + Mr. Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania, I have another job offer for you:

Country: Uganda/Kenya/DRC

Role: To roll heads in similar instututions in these countries as in Tanzania

Key competence:Knowledge of criminal science and criminology practices related to anticorruption; Civil service practises in tender bidding;
Ability to argue in court for life-time sentences for corrupt officials prefered
Strong investigative skills for overseas hunt of proceeds of corruption and criminal practises strongly required.
Remuneration: Honorary Citizenship of Uganda/Kenya/DRC with strong possiblity for constitutional waiver to run as presidential candidate.
Deliverable: Develop strong institutional capacity for prosecution of political appointees and protection of whistleblowers.
Tenure: Unlimited.

Anonymous said...

Bravo your Excellency, i love people who walk the talk. I believe the President is indeed living to the description of his name, in as he is a real maguFULI, he is doing the right thing for the right cause at the right time.Keep the fire burning

Anonymous said...

This is what is called kicking out corruption Dr Magufuli should come and lecture kenyatta and Museveni on governance.
I suspect M7 is thinking of doing something similar to blindfold us watch this space

Anonymous said...

Now is the time to pay decent wages to the Left Over decent TRA or TPA staff.....equal to the rest of the world....this way the temptation will be much lower for corruption.
Its sad that well known crooks like Bakharessa can get away with just a slap on the hand

Anonymous said...

The President has sent a clear message already. There is no need to take these people to court. Once they pay and if they repeat the same mistake then they could be taken to court. The President wants to work with all Business men to build a new Tanzania, So far he is moving into the right direction. Let us help him.

Anonymous said...

MATOPE listen to this,..The problem facing the country is the fact that corrupt was already become legalized in almost every government department, paving the way for almost every employee to be involved in corruption either direst or indirect.
Therefore it makes no meaning to suspend the head of department or say in this case the commissioner of TRA or TPA to be suspended, and appointing their deputies to take of those departments as there is no way that these deputies new nothing of all corruption, in fact they are also part of the rackets, hence they should also be suspended, investigated, prosecuted and jailed, while their ill gotten wealth confiscated.

The second issue with regard to businessmen or companies which have not paid tax by bribing these port and TRA employees, the right treatment is for them to be brought to court and their cases be heard according the country laws, prosecuted, and sentenced, fined and pay evaded taxes to the government. here president Magufuli has become too lenient by allowing them to pay taxes within 7 days and further action to be taken on them unless they fail to pay within such grace period. I think this will send mix signal of being hard to employee of TRA and TPA and lenient to businessmen. The law should upheld right away with tax evaders without favors, or discrimination.

Anonymous said...

Topes,are you serious! this man has done all these shit in 30 days,i need to read the news coz i have been so busy with the school and work ,i really havent get time to chase the news.Thanks for keeping us up to date with hme news.woh.............................AMEN

Anonymous said...

Magufuli is what the doctor prescribed for Tanzanians…but the same cannot be said of Uhuru here in Kenya. Corruption is evil,it destroys and must not be entartained no matterwhat? Unfortunately,our rulers don’t think so,and now we are paying deeply!!


Anonymous said...

First of all Uhuru’s government does not care about her people like the way Tanzanian counterpart John Pombe Magufuli is demonstrating. Uhuru’s government likes corruption more than anything else. So he’s overwhelmed and rendered redundant with socio-economic vices in the government and should voluntarily quit the presidency for strong-willed people like Raila.


Anonymous said...

magufuli will get tired quickly uhuru is doing what is in the blood,,,,,,,,stealing in kenya is by blood,,,,,it started by jomo and friends moi and collegues kibaki and buddies and now it is uhuru and mabeshtes,kenya is realy weeping

Unknown said...

Tanzania has produced great leaders. Their founding father Nyerere brought Tanzanians together and almost eradicated tribalism while Mzee Kenyatta was busy planting tribalism and corruption.

Anonymous said...

infact pioneer of corruption is mzee J .kenyatta and handed it over it his fellow kikuyus’.They don’t even realise kenya is changing in all aspects of life. unless they change, shun tribalism and corrupt deals ,which they feel unsafe when the country leadership goes to another tribe, they are really preparing rough times for their generations to come.

Anonymous said...

Give Mafuguli a month and you will be disappointed.Even the late illiterate dictator promised to rule according to the 10 commandments and within weeks he could detain his friends for greeting chiefs.This is Africa baba and we must accept that we are cursed.We have the biggest resources in the world whose pricing is done abroad.Look at the Arabs they price their oil.But not in Africa.

Anonymous said...

Don’t be such a pessimist…have a bit of confidence in brother…maybe in time he may just prove you wrong. That horrendous word you used to describe the president was used to dehumanize all Africans both home and abroad…given to us by people who gave us jesus to worship…we have to be mindful of the negative caricature we use to description ourselves…I’m sure you wouldn’t refer to your parents using the said word. Hotep

Anonymous said...

President Magufuli has a good track record, he has been a minister for last twenty years in different ministries. He proved to be very competent, effective, hardworking, not corrupt, no nonsense and work driven leader. We have all the evidence that our president is not likely to disappoint us for not all African leader will continue mismanaging our countries. Somewhere, someday good president will crop up and we must support them.

Anonymous said...

This is true leadership!! Can our leaders please read and memorize this article. Looks like the opposite happened to Zambia when President Lungu was elected; its international trip after another, dinner galas, Italian tuxedos, extra ministries, more by-elections, increases, private jet to attend UN meetings, more expensive international travels, etc!!! What a contrast!! Who between the two presidents can we say is mindful of the suffering of the citizens?

Anonymous said...

Cutting waste in government spending is the way forward and HH has been singing this song for sometime now and what does EL do, Increase the size of government and more travels.
Anyway poverty makes people make very bad decisions, it affects your thinking and even when someone says i have no vision for this country, but yet you go ahead and vote for them.

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS MR. PRESIDENT JOHN MAGUFULI BEING POSITIVE IN A NEGATIVE SITUATION IS NOT NAIVE IT’S LEADERSHIP . Enlightened leadership is spiritual if we understand spirituality not as some kind of religious dogma or ideology but as the domain of awareness where we experience values like truth, goodness, beauty, love and compassion, and also intuition, creativity, insight and focused attention.
Deepak Chopra
Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it’s amazing what they can accomplish.

Anonymous said...

May be a good start but actions like this with out a well articiulated plan or programme of action matched with corresponding policy frameworks produce dictators,score settling against those with contrally views. They are a recipe for unilateralism and eventually lead to corruption as a leader starts taking decisions meant for technocrats and competent institutions. In the end we start seeing single sourcing,moving procurement and important offices under the President’s control. I prefer Muhamadu Buhari’s (Nigeria) approach of taking time to build a credible team to implement change, following through processes to ensure where change is effected is accompanied by valid reforms! This Mugufuli approach if not accompanied by measures like that of Buhari will be a mere smoke screen and…

Anonymous said...

Magufuli is a leader. Whatever else he does afterwards event to the contrary, he will go down in history as a president who had the guts and tenacity to change things radically. On this score alone, Tanzanians have a lot of lessons to fellow Africans voters on how to elect leaders and NOT bleeders.

Anonymous said...

Comment:this moments in TZ make some to wish they could relocate. We envy you Tanzanian and pray the trend will last

Anonymous said...

If Kenya had a leader like him, we would be a paradise.

Anonymous said...

Comment:whatever the president is doing its really nice and will actually take Tanzania to a new level in terms of economic growth,

Anonymous said...

Most often said that fish get rotten from the head so is also true that the head fixes the body. I want this kind of change in NIGERIA. Let the action speaks louder than the voice.

Anonymous said...

I am moving to Tanzania

Anonymous said...

Ukipata plot extra nishikie please..

Anonymous said...

and we wonder why other East Africans look down upon Kenyans.....Its our society's greed, love for shortcuts and excesses and general lack of discipline.

Anonymous said...

ood points as always. How deep should the president go in cleaning the house and what are implications of such a foray. My concern however are somewhat different. They reflect what many other scholars have previously said such as Zeleza, McGovern and Mamdani: positive change is about institutional culture and not one man show. For example, those government workers that show up at work early and do their jobs efficiently they do so because its their duty or out of fear of the paramount chief. The chief has a club and a spear. Sustainable and deep changes cannot come from just strong leaders--some have called such a mode of governance neo-patrimony--but from an institutional culture that is widespread. One is tempted to ask what happens when Magufuli leaves? Is ten years enough to create deep and meaningful institutional changes? What has Mwalimu Julius Nyerere's political legacy taught us? I am vacillating between hope and despair that what we are seeing is great but may have a short shelf life.