Friday, July 27, 2018

Update on Funeral arrangements - Mzee Frank Somi

Dear All,
This is to let you know that the funeral of Mzee Frank Somi will be held at 10am on Monday 30th July, at Gold Creek Station Hall, Victoria Street, ACT. The procession for burial and wake ceremony will be at Gold Creek Station Hall, as well. The Somi family has requested for an approximate number of those intending to participate in the wake, for catering purposes and also diet requirements if any.

On Sunday 20th July at 4pm, we will gather at Somi's family home (please note, there are two number systems) 1296 (118) Norton Road Wamboin to comfort them. Your presence will be highly appreciated. This is informal however, please bring a plate to share and a chair if you can - African way.

For those from interstate, do let Fred know if you need accommodation. Some families in Canberra have volunteered to accommodate guests in their homes. In case some individuals have been missed, please let them know of this update

.Let’s together and give our condolences and support to the Somi family. We will inform you of the details of the funeral arrangements in due course. For further information please contact Fred on Tel: 0404855690.

Kind regards

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