Friday, June 5, 2015


What will you do???


Anonymous said...

1. Kama yeye marehemu angetaka wawe part of that insurance policy angewaweka kabla hajafa. Kwasababu alijua anawatoto huko inje.

2. Kama kweli alikuwa anawapenda wanae kwa dhati basi angewakatia insurance nyingine ambayo ni tofauti na ya mjane.

3. Marehemu alijua kuwa mateso niliyokuwa napata kwenye ndoa (if any) ilikuwa sababu ya nyumba ndogo. Na sikuwa alikuwa anampenda huyo nyumba ndogo but money was the motive.

4. Kama huyo nyumba ndogo alikuwa na hela enough kumuhonga mume wa mtu na familia yake then they don't deserve a dime from that money!!

5. Marehemu ndo alikuwa anawajua miaka yato na hakujali kuwawekea life insurance so why should I care about them afterall I just mate them less than a week???

Kutesa kwa zamu sasa ni zamu ya nyumba kubwa!!

Anicetus said...

If you give you will be given: sharing is like giving, the blessings will triple, and the fruits of a person joy of giving will not only provide one with desired necessities, but will also provide one pleasant pleasure.

Unknown said...

I will share the portion of the money with his additional family. Because he did not take the money with him to his for ever home, nor will you. Therefore, you can be generous and be kind to his kids. Embrace them and love them as you loved him.

Anonymous said...

Hao watoto wa nyumba ndogo wanayo DNA ya Baba kama wale wa nyumba kubwa. They are one blood and siblings forever, thus they deserve a piece of the pie!

Anonymous said...

Adopt the two kids

Anonymous said...

No I will not!! I will not take it to my grave, but I will sure make sure my blood kids are taken care of, and I got enough to spend.
Screwing someone else's husband is just bad. I would not want to see this side family ever again. Karma is a bitch!