Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Please don't kick out Piers, we don't want him back! British critics launch counter-petition to make sure he stays in U.S. A petition to have the journalist deported after he criticised pro gun campaigners has attracted 71,000 signatures Now a second petition saying he must stay because the British do not want him also has around 1,100 votes of support

A campaign to have Piers Morgan deported from America faced a new hurdle yesterday as critics of the television presenter launched a counter bid to keep him where he is

But a second petition on the same website now insists he must stay in the US, not only because he has a constitutional right to free speech but also – ‘more important’ – because ‘no one in the UK wants him back’.

So far, just over 400 people have signed the ‘Keep Piers Morgan in the USA’ petition so it has some way to go before it reaches the 25,000 signatures which guarantees a response from the US government.
 It was proposed by Janusz Jasinski, a Birmingham-based website designer. To add to the former newspaper editor’s embarrassment, a third petition is calling on Home Secretary Theresa May to stop him from returning to Britain.Gun rights advocates, who have been forced on the back foot by public outrage over the Connecticut school killings, were furious over the attacks - particularly as they came from a foreigner.

The petition on the White House website reads: 'British citizen and CNN television host Piers Morgan is engaged in a hostile attack against the U.S. Constitution by targeting the Second Amendment [the right to keep and bear arms].

Speaking out: The petition had already garnered more than 65,000 signatures by Tuesday

'We demand that Mr Morgan be deported immediately for his effort to undermine the Bill of Rights and for exploiting his position as a national network television host to stage attacks against the rights of American citizens.'

The petition was started on December 21 by a man from Austin, Texas, who was identified as Kurt Nimmo. US citizens can file a petition on the White House website and the administration has to respond if it collects at least 25,000 signatures within 30 days.

Morgan has made it clear in TV debates that he was not attacking the Second Amendment, which gun advocates insist protects a citizen’s right to bear arms.

But the American establishment is usually terrified of doing anything that could be deemed anti-constitutional and even Morgan’s on-air CNN colleagues looked taken aback by the force of his anti-gun outbursts.

Morgan, who also writes a column in the Mail on Sunday's Live magazine, has refused to back down.

Hitting back: Morgan has responded to the growing petition with a series of tweets
Outspoken: Morgan called gun advocate Larry Pratt 'an unbelievably stupid man' on his show last week

On Twitter, the former Daily Mirror editor insisted that 'wanting America to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines isn't "anti-consitutional" – it’s called "common sense."' He also joked that, if deported, he was thinking of anchoring his CNN show from Jamaica.

CNN has said it has no immediate comment on the petition but media pundits believe the publicity won't damage a network which is struggling to win audiences. Prior to the row, there had been speculation that Morgan might lose his prime-time slot. Independent publicist Howard Bragman said that the controversy was likely to get Morgan noticed and may translate into higher ratings.

'A lot of it comes from his being British, he's seen the differences between the U.S. and UK, he's passionate and authentic in taking this issue on, and it's probably only going to help him attract more people to his show,' Mr Bragman said.

Last night an unrepentant Mr Morgan fired back at his critics on Twitter saying: 'Merry Christmas! Even to those who want me deported.'

 VIDEO  'You're an unbelievably stupid man': Morgan v Pratt... 

See the full debate at CNN.

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