Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Waziri wa Mambo ya Nje na Ushirikiano wa Kimataifa, Mhe. Bernard K. Membe (Mb.) akitoa hotuba wakati wa maadhimisho ya miaka 25 ya Uhuru wa Jamhuri ya Namibia. Maadhimisho hayo ambayo yaliandaliwa na Ubalozi wa Namibia hapa nchini yalifanyika katika Hoteli ya Hyatt Regency Jijini Dar es Salaam tarehe 23 Machi, 2015. Namibia ilipata uhuru wake mwaka 1990. 
Sehemu ya Mabalozi na Wakuu wa Mashirika ya Kimataifa waliopo hapa nchini wakifuatilia hotuba ya Mhe. Waziri Membe (hayupo pichani) wakati wa maadhimisho ya miaka 25 ya uhuru wa Namibia. Kulia ni Mkuu wa Mabalozi na Balozi wa Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Congo (DRC), Balozi Juma Alfani Mpango. 
Sehemu nyingine ya Mabalozi na Wageni waalikwa wakati wa maadhimisho hayo 
Waziri Membe akiwa na Balozi wa Namibia hapa nchini, Mhe. Japhet Isaack wakisikiliza wimbo wa Taifa la Namibia kusherehekea miaka 25 ya uhuru 
Balozi Isaack akitoa hotuba wakati wa maadhimisho hayo 
Waziri Membe na Balozi Isaack wakikata keki kuadhimisha miaka 25 ya Uhuru wa Namibia 
Mabalozi na Wageni waalikwa wakifuatilia matukio wakati wa maadhimisho ya miaka 25 ya uhuru wa Namibia 
Wageni waalikwa 
Kikundi cha burudani kikitumbuiza kuadhimisha miaka 25 ya uhuru wa Namibia 


Your Excellency,. Japhet Isaack, High Commissioner of the Republic of Namibia,

Your Excellency, Juma Alfani Mpango, Ambassador of the Democratic Republic of Congo and Dean of the Diplomatic Corps,

Your Excellency, Prof. Ambrósio Lukoki, Ambassador of the Republic of Angola and Dean of the African Diplomatic Group,

Your Excellencies Ambassadors and High Commissioners,

Heads of International Organizations,

Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It gives me a great pleasure to grace this historic event of commemorating 25 years of the Independence Anniversary of the Republic of Namibia. On behalf of the Government and people of the United Republic of Tanzania, and indeed on my own behalf, I would like to take this opportunity to extend to Your Excellency, and through you to the Government and the People of the Republic of Namibia, our profound and heartfelt congratulations on the occasion of celebrating this Silver Jubilee.

Your Excellency,
Since independence Namibia has experienced smooth transfer of power. It would be recalled that Namibia held its general elections on 28th November, 2014. The elections were declared peaceful, transparent, free and fair by the Election

observers; I therefore take this opportunity to congratulate Namibia for its maturity in democracy. I would also like to congratulate the ruling party; South West African People’s Organization (SWAPO) for the landslide victory as well as congratulating H.E. Dr. Hage Gottfried Geingob, President of the Republic of Namibia for assuming such high office, his victory is a clear reflection of the confidence reposed in him by the Namibian people. Moreover on behalf of my government I would like to assure the new Government of the Republic of Namibia the commitment of the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania to work with it closely, for the mutual benefit of our two countries and their peoples.


To many in Africa and the world at large, Namibia was considered as a young country. But to the surprise of many and to our jubilation, the country has grown into an advanced economy unmatched by other African countries. To date, Namibia stands as one of the fastest growing economies in the Southern African region. Its impeccable record in poverty alleviation and improving the living standards of many Namibians has won it many accolades in the world. All these achievements were realized under the excellent leadership of the Namibian leaders, from H.E Sam Nujoma to H.E Hifikepunye Pohamba. With the new leadership in place, we in Tanzania are convinced that H.E Geinghob will uphold the excellent principles set by his predecessors.

Your Excellency,

Two days ago, I attended the 25th Independence Anniversary of the Republic of Namibia in Windhoek. The celebration was one of its kind as it was attended by many dignitaries from across Africa and and beyond. One thing that striked me the most was the high level of patriotism demonstrated by the Namibian people towards their Country and leaders. The peaceful hand over of power from H.E Hifikepunye Pohamba to H.E Dr. Hage Geinghob was done amidst chants and cheers from the thousands of Namibians who attended the celebrations. This is a true testament to the level of democratic maturity that has been achieved by Namibia. What was clear to many is that Namibians have chosen their destiny well. They choose peace, over chaos, political stability over dissent and harmony over instability. In line with its motto, it is clear that unity, liberty and justice prevails in Namibia and it is indeed the land of the brave.

Today’s Celebrations gives us a rare glimpse into the historic events that led to the independence of our long time friend, Namibia. Although, 25 years have passed since Namibia was relieved from colonialism, we cannot help but reminisce how Namibians were strongly united during the liberation struggle to ensure they put an end to colonial domination in their country. That unity went further till postcolonial era, Namibians have worked together to combat poverty and improve the living conditions of the people, thus moving Namibia closer to the realization of their medium- and long-term development objectives. The 2014 Mo Ibrahim Prize for African Leadership awarded to H.E. Hifikipunye Pohamba, Former President of the Republic of Namibia in recognition of the strides that the country has made over the years.


Tanzania and Namibia enjoy excellent bilateral relations that have existed for time immemorial. These relations go back prior to independence of our sisterly country Namibia. As you may all recall, Tanzania supported Namibia’s liberation struggle. During that time the SWAPO office was here in Dar es salaam. Since that time our relations have remained excellent. It is our sincere hope that the new Government will leverage and translate the relations into more meaningful and beneficial economic relations to reflect the current Economic Foreign Policies of our two countries focusing on Economic Diplomacy as the second phase of Economic Liberalization.

Your Excellencies,

Relations between Tanzania and Namibia are even stronger on sub-regional, regional and global spheres, our countries have been cooperating well in all matters of common concerns. We have been cooperating very well in SADC, AU and UN.

Your Excellencies,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

There is a lot to say about Namibia but today is not a day for making long speeches; it is a day for us to rejoice, a day to look back with satisfaction and to look forward with hope for we need to achieve more. I therefore would like to conclude by reiterating our sincere congratulations to Your Excellency and, through you, to the Government and the People of the Republic of Namibia on celebrating 25th anniversary of independence. We wish Namibia Government and all Namibians happiness and more expedited progress.

Your Excellency,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

May I now ask all of you present here to rise and join me in a toast:

· To the continued good health of H.E. Dr. Hage Gottfried Geingob, President of the Republic of Namibia;

· To the excellent relations existing between our two sisterly countries;

· To the continued good health of all of us present here tonight.

Ahsante Sana

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