Saturday, January 29, 2011


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President Obama has taken to the road, airwaves and media to spread his optimistic message about America's future that served as the basis for his State of the Union address earlier this week. Notably, one of his core constituencies is the hip-hop generation that was so vocal in getting him elected. He reached out to those voters this week by placing an open statement on the Russell Simmons-run MySpace and Global Grind.

"I promise that every decision I make in the years ahead will be made with you in mind," Obama wrote before stating that his health care overhaul, plans to end wars and update to student loans were specifically for the younger generation. "Each of you represents our hope for this country. Your generation will be the one leading America into the future. And if we do our part, I know you'll make us proud."

Even Simmons himself was floored that Obama reached out and sent him a personal statement to distribute. He says he relates to the President's message of optimism and importance of future generations to carry America's torch into the future.

"Nothing makes me prouder than what I received late last night from a hero of mine, the president of the United States, Barack Obama, and I am overjoyed to deliver his exclusive message to young people of this great nation," wrote Simmons. "As we move forward, let us move forward together as one."

Read the full statement from President Obama here.
More About Russell Simmons on AOL Music

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