"Honestly, I don't want to get into it," Trump said. "I'm about jobs, I'm about the military, I'm about doing the right thing for this country."
"I don't know. I really don't know," he said. "I don't know why he wouldn't release his records."
"Or why, when he released those records, I started asking for different records," he did not continue. "Or why none of the same records that other candidates might provide were never good enough when Obama presents them. Or what happened to those investigators that I gave a lot of money and sent to Hawaii to investigate this. That Obama, he's a crafty one."
This guy just cannot not shut up. About anything. He's still chin deep in every last lunatic theory the conservative id has come up with in the last decade, and he's not going to change his mind about any of those things because admitting you've been full of crap is not the Donald Trump way.
So on and on he goes, charging through every velvet rope the Republican Party has tried to put between themselves and their crazy racist base. It's almost hypnotizing to watch.
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