Diaspora Council of Tanzanians in America
Dear All,
DICOTA is pleased to announce that the 2016 election of officers is fast approaching. Any individual who’s had at least 6 month of active membership during the last two years (August 1st 2014 to present) is eligible to run and/or be nominated for office. In preparation for the election please tune in August 1, 2016, 4pm Eastern to a special edition of Jukwaa Langu brought to you by Kwanza Production. The session tittled "A Day In The Life of a DICOTA Leader", will have current and past leaders talk about their roles and will provide an opportunity for listeners and interested candidates to ask questions and learn more about these roles. Please tune in and www.onemicshow.com, Tunein App and search Vijimambo Radio (http://tun.in/sfeLX), or in the USA and Canada call 240 454 0093.
DICOTA is pleased to announce that the 2016 election of officers is fast approaching. Any individual who’s had at least 6 month of active membership during the last two years (August 1st 2014 to present) is eligible to run and/or be nominated for office. In preparation for the election please tune in August 1, 2016, 4pm Eastern to a special edition of Jukwaa Langu brought to you by Kwanza Production. The session tittled "A Day In The Life of a DICOTA Leader", will have current and past leaders talk about their roles and will provide an opportunity for listeners and interested candidates to ask questions and learn more about these roles. Please tune in and www.onemicshow.com, Tunein App and search Vijimambo Radio (http://tun.in/sfeLX), or in the USA and Canada call 240 454 0093.
per DICOTA Articles of Incorporation, all officers are required to be
in good legal and immigration standing. DICOTA Officers serve a term of
two (2) years, and are allowed to stand for election for a maximum of
two (2) consecutive two-year terms, and may be re-elected after being
away for one (1) term
The election will take place on October 2-4, and the following positions are up for election.
The election will take place on October 2-4, and the following positions are up for election.
1. President
President shall be the principal officer of the Organization. Subject
to the direction and control of the Board of Trustees, the President
shall see that the resolutions and directives of the Board of Trustees
are carried into effect, and, in general, shall discharge all duties
incident to the office of President and as prescribed by the Board of
Trustees. The President shall preside at all meetings except Board of
Trustees and membership meetings, on instances where the authority to
execute is expressly delegated to another officer or agent of the
corporation. The President may execute for the corporation all
contracts, deeds, conveyances, mortgages, bonds, and other instruments
in writing that are authorized by the Board of Trustees. Due to the
DICOTA financial internal control procedures, the President shall
approve all payments as indicated in the annual budget. The president
shall not approve any payment that he/she is a beneficiary.
Click here to learn the essential functions of DICOTA President
Click here to learn the essential functions of DICOTA President
2. Secretary
Secretary of DICOTA shall be responsible for keeping the organization's
records. He or she shall keep (or oversee the keeping of) the minutes
of all meetings except Board of Trustees and membership meetings. The
Secretary shall distribute or oversee the distribution of notices of all
meetings except Board of Trustees and membership meetings and other
notices as required by law or by these bylaws. The Secretary shall be
responsible for the keeping of all books, correspondence and papers
related to the business of DICOTA, except those of the Treasurer. Due to
DICOTA’s financial internal control procedures, the Secretary shall
approve all payments that the President is a beneficiary as indicated in
the annual budget. The Secretary may approve all payments in the
absence of the President or under directives of the President except any
payment that the Secretary is a beneficiary.
Click here to learn the essential functions of DICOTA Secretary
3. Deputy Secretary
It will be the duty of the Deputy Secretary to assist the Secretary, and to act in the absence or disability of the Secretary, and to perform such duties as may be assigned to him or her by the Board of Trustees. Due to the DICOTA financial internal control procedures, the Deputy Secretary shall act as a Signatory in the absence of an Assistant Treasurer.
Click here to learn the essential functions of DICOTA Deputy Secretary.
4. TreasurerClick here to learn the essential functions of DICOTA Secretary
3. Deputy Secretary
It will be the duty of the Deputy Secretary to assist the Secretary, and to act in the absence or disability of the Secretary, and to perform such duties as may be assigned to him or her by the Board of Trustees. Due to the DICOTA financial internal control procedures, the Deputy Secretary shall act as a Signatory in the absence of an Assistant Treasurer.
Click here to learn the essential functions of DICOTA Deputy Secretary.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for preparation of the proposed annual budget and shall keep (or oversee the keeping of) financial records belonging to DICOTA. The Treasurer will present to the Membership and to the Board of Trustees at their respective annual meetings a report of the finances of DICOTA, and will from time to time make such other reports to the Board of Trustees as it may require. The Treasurer shall Chair the meetings of the Finance Committee. Due to DICOTA’s financial internal control procedures, the Treasurer shall be responsible for the record keeping component and shall monitor all DICOTA transactions.
Click here to learn the essential functions of DICOTA Treasurer.
5. Assistant Treasurer
It will be the duty of the Assistant Treasurer to assist the Treasurer and to act in the absence or disability of the Treasurer, to perform such duties as may be assigned to him or her by the Board of Trustees. Due to the DICOTA financial internal control procedures, the Assistant Treasurer shall be responsible for the transaction component and shall be a Signatory of all DICOTA accounts.
Click here to learn the essential functions of DICOTA Assistant Treasurer.
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