Saturday, March 9, 2019

Press Release: DICOTA Executive Committee Election Results

Dear Diaspora Members,

We are pleased to announce the results of the March 2-3  DICOTA Executive Committee election.

Below are the results:


Dr. Frank Minja  64.6%
Dr. Mary Banda 35.4%

Dr. Peter Mkumbo (Uncontested)

Deputy Secretary
Mr. Cleven Mmari (Uncontested)

Mr. George Ilankunda (Uncontested)

The new Executive Committee will take office on April 1, 2019 to begin their 2-year term. As per DICOTA bylaws, the Board of Trustees will nominate two At-Large Executive Committee members and appoint any vacant positions to fill the remainder of the vacant term.

Please join us in thanking all candidates for their participation in this year's election and in extending congratulations to our newly-elected Executive Committee. A special thanks to all members of DICOTA and the Tanzanian Diaspora at large for their participation, dedication and contribution to this process.

We encourage you to check the website and social media frequently for new information.


Dr. Ndaga Mwakabuta & Mr. Alfred Nkunga
2018-19 DICOTA Elections Returning Officers

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