
Friday, September 27, 2013

Dr. Slaa Takes America By Storm

One of the world re-known economic professors exchange a word with Dr. Slaa
An African American, An ardent supporter of Dr. Slaa in Chadema party Attire
Part of the audience of faculty and staff keenly listening to Dr. Slaa
Dr. Slaa with his supporter, A student from Congo DRC who is
convinced that Dr. Slaa is the Tanzanian legitimate leader !
Dr. Slaa Giving one of the greatest lectures ever delivered by a foreign leader
The school dean, deaprtment chair and vice chair with the slaa's
Some of the foreign policy students in a group picture with the new African Icon. Hon: Slaa

-Received standing ovation at the University of Virginia
-Delivers one of the greatest foreign policy yet from any African leader
-Strikes a deal to send hundreds of teachers and students from Tanzania to the university for Further training in an exchange program. Thousands of American English and education students teachers will also be coming to Tanzania 
-The program to start in a year or so, in which bright students from Tanzania will go to the US to study in an exchange program
-The Dean described Dr. Slaa as the new “father of African liberation. A man with a vision for economic prosperity”

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