Wednesday, May 15, 2013

U.S. Embassy Tanzania

Deputy Public Affairs Officer Roberto Quiroz II addresses English Access Microscholarship Program students at their graduation ceremony. "The American people are proud to sponsor the English Access Program through the Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. As Ambassador Alfonso E. Lenhardt has said, promoting education in Tanzania is one of the United States' highest priorities. Your initiative and perseverance at successfully learning English has provided each of you a key tool for success to assume responsibilities as tomorrow's leaders who will build the future of Tanzania and this nation's development in all sectors you choose to serve in. Hongera sana!"
RELO Smoak opens English Access Microscholarship Program graduation ceremony.
Access student receives graduation certificate from Deputy Public Affairs Officer Roberto Quiroz II. 
Access student receives graduation certificate from Deputy Public Affairs Officer Roberto Quiroz II.
Regional English Language Officer Rebecca Smoak (farthest right), DPAO Roberto Quiroz II (third from the right), and Regional English Language Assistant Flavia Temu (front, right) with English Access Microscholarship Program students at their graduation ceremony held at the U.S. Embassy in Dar es Salaam on May 15, 2013.

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